Peer Review Process

  1. The research is received from the researcher either electronically through the system, as the journal is using a double-blind review process.
  2. The research is presented to Prof. Dr. / Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs to determine the validity of the research for publication and accurate specialization.
  3. In consultation with the members of the editorial board in complete confidentiality, two of the first arbitrators are chosen from (the permanent scientific committee for the promotion of professors and assistant professors) and the second from (specialized professors within the faculty)
  4. The research is sent to the arbitrators by e-mail and an arbitration form is attached to it, with the need for the arbitrator not to know the name of the researcher, and vice versa, the researcher not to know the name of the arbitrator.
  5. The period of arbitration is 15 days, and the arbitrator shall be notified accordingly.
  6. In case of non-response within 7 days from the date of sending the research, a reminder will be sent to the arbitrator as soon as the evaluation is completed.
  7. The arbitrator sends his response to the research in the arbitration form and he may attach a file consisting of several pages if he wants to send something to the Journal or he has commented on the research itself and wants to send it to the Journal.
  8. After that, the arbitrator must return either (acceptance), which is accepting the research for publishing or (accepting the condition of the amendment), which is accepting the research for publication on conditions of making some amendments to it, or (rejecting) which is the recommendation to apologize for publishing the research.
  9. In the event that one of the arbitrators refuses to search, the research is sent to a third arbitrator.
  10. The journal sends the amendments of the arbitrators to the research to the researcher, with the necessity of recommending the required amendments and re-sending the research again to the journal in a period not exceeding 7 days.
  11. In the event that the researcher is unable to make the required amendments from the jury committee or has modified it for one reason or another, the editorial board will review the research and amend it in line with the arbitrators ’recommendations. It is not possible, in this case, for the author of the research to object to the amendments approved by the editorial board or to object to the publication of the research.
  12. The journal sends a letter of acceptance for publication to the owners of research accepted for publication after completing the arbitration course permanently with the signature of the members of the editorial board.