Publication Ethics

1The Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education adopts the rules of confidentiality and objectivity in the arbitration process for both the researcher and the readers (arbitrators) and sends each Arbitrary research to accredited readers with experience and specific expertise in the subject of the research to evaluate it according to specific points. In the event of an evaluation conflict between the readers, the journal sends the research to another reference reader.

2-The Journal depends on reliable and experienced readers and those with new experience in their field of expertise.

3-The Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education adopts a precise internal organization in terms of duties and responsibilities in the work of the editorial staff.

4-Editors and readers, with the exception of the person directly responsible for the editing process (the editor or his representative), may not study the research paper with any other person, including the author.

5- In the light of the readers ’reports, the   Journal provides a substantive and systematic support service for researchers, as appropriate, and works to develop research.

6- The journal is obliged to inform the researcher of the approval to publish the research without modification or according to certain amendments based on what is stated in the readers ’reports or an apology for not publishing with an explanation of the reasons for the apology.

7-The Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education is committed to the quality of auditing, editing, printing and electronic services provided to the researcher

8- The Journal works to respect the rule of non-conflict of interests between editors and the researcher, whether that is the result of a relationship competitive, cooperative, other relationships, or links with any research author, company, or organization.

9- The Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education is committed to the inadmissibility of using any of its members or editors of unpublished materials included in the research presented to the Journal  in their own research.

10- The Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education is completely criticized for publishing translated articles by obtaining the permission of the foreign publisher and by respecting intellectual property rights. 

Liability of the arbitrator:

  • All research information must be confidential in relation to the arbitrator, and the arbitrator seeks to preserve its confidentiality and cannot be disclosed or discuss its content with any party except those authorized by the editor-in-chief.
  • The arbitrator is not aware of the identity of the researcher.
  • The arbitrator must demonstrate his review and evaluation of research directed at him with objective arguments and evidence and avoid arbitration on the basis of stating his personal viewpoint (i.e. He should not accept the arbitration of research in which there may be interests of persons or institutions (.
  • The arbitrator must try to identify the sources and references related to the topic (research) and identify any text or paragraph taken from other works previously published, and the arbitrator must inform the editor-in-chief and warn him of any similar, or overlapping work with the work under arbitration.

Researcher's responsibility:

- The researcher must submit original research and present it accurately and objectively. In a coordinated scientific manner that matches the specifications of the refereed research, whether in terms of language, form, or content, according to the standards and policy of publishing in Journal s and not translating or quoting others' works.

  • The researcher cannot present the same work (research) to more than one journal or conference, and to do so is considered immoral and unacceptable behavior.
  • That the researcher is not aware of the names of the judges who are arbitrators for his research.
  • The researcher will be aware that the research will be presented to the arbitrator again before publication, so he must make all the adjustments that the arbitrators have identified in the research.