The Use Of Sports Activities To Enrich Students’ Vocabulary In English As A Foreign Languague

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University, Egypt


The vocabulary may be composed of two or three words expressing one idea (Widistuti, 2011). However, Moon in Schmitt and McCarthy (1997: 105) has added that traditionally, vocabulary consists not only of single words: lexemes are often made up of strings of more than one word. Finally, Widistuti has concluded that vocabulary is a set of words that are taught in foreign language and which the speaker uses to express his ideas (2011).Vocabulary is important for the four learning skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is also vital for learning and understanding a second language. Both Coady and Huckin (1997: 5) concluded that vocabulary is the most important point for the learner of a new language to be able to acquire it easily.