The Effect of Using Specific Strength Trainings-Based Educational Therapy Style on the Treatment of Learning Girls in Front Crawl

Document Type : Original Article


Lecture at the Department of Water Sports and Fencing Faculty of Physical Education for Girls – Zagazig University


Issam Abdel-Khalek (2003) indicates that specific strength trainings are sports movements whose formation is similar, in terms of the performance of skills such as strength, time path of strength and direction of muscle action, to the performed movements. So, it's considered as a direct means for the principal preparation for sports level in order to develop the subject's training condition; so the subject's movement becomes suitable for the type of its specialized sports activity in terms of motor co-ordination and sequencing of the pathway and direction of motor performance. These trainings should be taken into consideration during preparation and competitions. The function of specific strength trainings is to help in mastering the motor performance of the practiced activity and to apply it in different forms by developing specific skill components for the practiced activity in order to develop it rapidly.