Aerobics Exercises Effect on Weight Loss for Students with Overmuch Obesity in Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article



aimed to identify the effect of using aerobics physical activity on body building and physical performance for morbid obesity 7 years children, the study sample was propulsive consisted of 33 morbid obesity student and was divided into three groups, the experimental methodology was used, a significant differences were noticed in body fats decrease and motor performance increase.
The researcher used the experimental methodology on to groups, one of them is experimental and the other is a control group which suited the research better.
The research population was morbid obesity middle grade Kuwaiti students who were selected through exploratory study done by the researcher, 30 students were selected according to BMI, 6 of them were selected for the pilot study to legalize the research experiment, 2 were excluded for emergent medical situation, then the propulsive sample was on 24 middle grade students, the table below shows population distribution and research sample.