Setting up an item bank in methods and techniques of teaching physical education for students of Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer , Department of Teaching Methods, Training, and Sport Kinesiology, Faculty of Physical Education, El-Sadat City University


The aim of the study was to set up an item bank in the subject of teaching methods for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University. The researcher chose (457) students of the second year of the bachelor’s stage for the academic year 2017/2018 at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University. They were divided into (304) males and (153) females. The number of members of the basic research sample was (417) and the number of the exploratory sample was (40). Method: the researcher used the descriptive method due to its relevance to the nature of this research. Results: An item bank has been extracted for the teaching methods subject., the application of the item bank in the subject of teaching methods, putting the item bank in the subject of teaching methods in light of the specification table, the bank includes objective and essay questions, as well as knowledge levels, with the percentages mentioned in the specification table
