The Effect of solar UV Rays on some biological activities of divers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor in Dep of water sports , Faculty of PE , El-Arish, Suez Canal university

2 Department of water sports, Faculty of Physical Education, El Arish University


Vitamin Dȝ or cholecalciferol occurs in fish liver and is produced in human
skin by UV light. The UV Rays accomplish inactive pro vitamin transformation to the
active vitamin. To determine the effect of solar UV Rays on some biological activities
of divers, two equal groups of divers, ten divers each, participated in the study. Group
(1) was exposed to sunlight during the experiment for one month and dive for one
hour, three times/week, Group (2) was unexposed to sunlight and dived after sunset
for one hour, three times/week, for one month. Cardiovascular assessment, pulses
rate, Malondialdehyde, Superoxide dismutase, together with muscle strength
assessment and IGF”1”, Vit Dȝ concentration were performed in both groups before
and after the experiment. Results revealed a positive change in the cardiovascular
system, in oxidant and antioxidant activities, together with muscle strength and
IGF”1”, and Vit Dȝ concentration in case of the divers performing exposed to sunlight
compared to the Group of divers unexposed to the sunlight during the experiment
duration. Exposure to the sunlight-induced improvement due to the activation of proVitamin to the active state by UV Rays. It may be concluded that Vit Dȝ induced
benefit effects on the cardiovascular system, immunity, and strength activity with
increased IGF”1”, and Vit Dȝ concentration of divers
