The Effect of a Proposed Program for Gymnastics Games on Improving some Basic Motor Skills and Developing Creative Thinking for Students of the First Stage of Basic Education


Instructor, Department of Basic Sciences- “Kinetik Education”- Faculty of Early Childhood Education - Fayoum University


The current study aims procedurally to design a proposed program for gymnastics games to identify: -
1- The effect of gymnastics games on the level of basic motor skills represented in (balanced walking - running - vertical jump - fast rotation - throwing and standing - kicking the ball) among pupils of the first stage of basic education (6-8 years)
2- The effect of gymnastics games on the development of creative thinking (fluency - originality - flexibility - details) for pupils of the first stage of basic education (6-8 years) 
First, the research method
The researcher used the experimental method using measurements (before and after) on one experimental group, due to its relevance to the nature of this research.
Second: the research community:
The research community includes a sample of primary school students of the French Friendship Primary Joint School in the Keman Fares region - Fayoum Governorate, whose ages ranged from (6-8 years)
The research sample:
The sample of the research was chosen in a deliberate way, and they numbered (23) boys and girls, (8) children were chosen at random to conduct the exploratory experiment and for the scientific transactions of the variables under research,