Building a Smartphone application to pair inertial sensors (Notch) for mechanical motion analysis

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor - Department of Sports Training and Movement Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University - Egypt


The current study aims to design a software for mechanical motion analysis using smart phones with the possibility of coupling the proposed software for motion analysis with inertia units [Notch motion capture unit],which uses wireless communication and aims for tracking and monitoring the movement in three-dimensional space, whether inside closed spaces or in open spaces without being restricted to a specific place ,With the possibility of sending real time values and issuing an instant report,The researcher came up with the design of the proposed program for smart phones and was able to pair it with Inertia measurement units “IMUs”. The accuracy of the proposed software calibration was also verified, through the synchronization practical application with the [Simi motion system].The researcher reached a correlation coefficient from medium to very strong. The lowest correlation coefficient was (0.59) in the vertical distance. which is medium, and (0.99) in the horizontal distance (0.98) in the angle . which is very strong. The current study also showed the ability of the system to track any movement in the space at fractions of a second with an interval (0.03 s).The value of the differences in measuring the max ”IMUs” m velocity of the straight punch between the two systems was limited to a min”IMUs” m (0.05 m/s) and a St.dv of (0.04 ±), a max ”IMUs” m of (0.19 m/s), and a St.dv of (0.13 ±).