The Effect of Some Specific Exercises on Developing the Level of Skill Performance of the Back Cycle on the Bar, Followed by Standing on the Hands, by the Parallel, for Young Women under 12 Years old

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Training, College of Sports Education, Mansoura University


This research aims to develop the level of performance of the back cycle skill on the bar, followed by the handstand on a parallel device for girls under 12 years old as a basic requirement for players to acquire the values assigned to the requirements of performing the kinetic sentence on that device through:
1- Identify the effect of some specific exercises in developing the physical variables for the skill of the back cycle on the bar, followed by the handstand on a parallel device for young women under 12 years of age.
2- Identifying the effect of some specific exercises on developing the level of performance of the back cycle skill on the bar, followed by the handstand on a parallel device for junior gymnasts.