The effect of consuming a natural food compound as an energy source on some biological and physical variables and the digital achievement level of the middle distance runners

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Training and Movement Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University


The study aimed to identify the effect of consuming the proposed natural nutritional compound (honey + royal jelly + Panax ginseng) in certain proportions as a source of energy on some biological variables represented in (pulse rate, lactic acid concentration in the blood), and the physical (carrying speed) Muscle endurance, respiratory cycle endurance), and the digital level (1500 running time) of the sample in question, The researcher used the experimental method for its relevance to the nature of conducting this study using one experimental group, as this classification depends on measuring biological, physical, and digital variables after consuming the sample under research the proposed natural food compound in standardized proportions estimated at (50 gm. honey + 40 mg royal jelly) + 500 mg of pancakes ginseng), the second measure without the suggested natural compound intake, The research sample was deliberately chosen from the students of the Assiut University team in the middle distance race for the academic year 2019 AD / 2020 AD, where the total sample reached (6) student players whose ages ranged between (18-19) years, and the most important results were that eating the proposed natural food compound from (Bee honey + royal jelly + ginseng plant) in metered ratios by mouth has a positive effect on reducing the concentration of lactic acid accumulated in the blood and working muscles as a result of high-intensity physical exertion of the sample under study, lower pulse rate, increased muscular endurance and higher level of performance Hence, an improvement in the digital level of the 1500-meter athlete is under investigation.