Percentages of the contribution of some biomechanical factors to the digital level of the triple jump runners in the State of Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education - Girls - Department of Physical Education and Sports - College of Basic Education - Kuwait University


To identify the ratios of the contribution of some kinematic factors for the stages of the triple jump to the achievement level of the triple jump contestants in the State of Kuwait. For athletics, which numbered (6) competitors, and the researcher chose the research sample in a deliberate way from the triple jump contestants of the Kuwaiti national team, and their number was (5) contestants from the triple jump contestants, and the most important conclusions were the highest percentage of contribution to the digital achievement of the triple jump contestants, which was estimated (21.6000) for the jump, (19.000) for the step, (30.4000) for the jump. The most important recommendations were attention and guidance to the kinematic variables that most contribute to the level of digital achievement in building and codifying training programs in line with and improving the variables referred to for the triple jump players.