The effect of Using the Constructive Learning Strategy 7, ES on the Level of Skill Performance of the Skill of 200 Meters Hurdles for Middle School Students in the State of Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


Physical Education Instructor - Ministry of Education - in the State of Kuwait


the 7, es constructive learning strategy on the level of skill performance for the skill of 200 meters hurdles for middle school students in the State of Kuwait.
Research hypotheses
•There are statistically significant differences between the mean of the pre and post measurements in the level of learning the skill of the 110-meter hurdles competition.
Some of the terms included in the search
The Constructivist Learning Style
It is “one of the methods that is based on constructivism and consists of four successive phases (advocacy, exploration, suggesting interpretations and solutions, taking action) and each stage performs a specific function that is a preparation for the next phase.” The call stage leads students to push for research and exploration, and in the exploration phase they search Students on all that was presented to them in the advocacy stage and in the stage of proposing solutions and explanations, the teacher leads his students to reach the required concepts or relationships through their explanations and suggestions that he arrived at in the exploration stage and in the action stage, and what was reached in the stage of suggesting explanations is applied