Proposed Standards for Security and Safety in Sports Stadiums

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Sports Administration, Acting Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education at Fayoum University

2 Physical fitness teacher at the Police Academy, an official ruling of the Egyptian Football Association


Research goal:
This research aims to develop suggested standards to ensure the security and safety of sports stadiums in Egypt.
Search question:
This paper answers the question: What are the most important standards that guarantee security and safety in sports stadiums?
Search procedures:
The two researchers used the descriptive method (survey studies) in order to suit the nature of the research.
The research community included representatives of the Ministry of the Interior in the departments related to securing sports competitions, namely (Public Security - Central Security - Civil Protection) and their number (672) officers, as well as representatives of the sports stadium departments that received the most masses for the 2017-2018 sports season and their number (33) individuals , And the total number of society (705) individuals