The effect of (Kettlebell) exercises to improve some physical abilities and the level of skill and digital performance of shot-put players with cerebral palsy

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor at sport recreation dep., faculty of physical education, Mansoura university of Egypt Lecturer in the Department of field and track competitions training, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls. Helwan University


Research aims:
The research aims to investigate the effect of (Kettlebell) exercises on:
1- Some physical changes for the shot-put player with cerebral palsy.
2- The skill and numerical level of shot-put players with cerebral palsy.
Research Methodology:
The researcher used the experimental method by designing one experimental group to suit the nature of the research.
Research Community and Sample:
The community and the research sample consisted of a one shot-put player for the Egypt national team with cerebral palsy category (CP) at the First Settlement Youth Center in Cairo.
Proposed program design:
By referring to previous studies, scientific references, theoretical framework, opinions of experts, scientists and trainers in the field of sports for people with cerebral palsy, the researcher designed a proposed training program using the iron ball (Kettlebell)
Research measurements and tests:
The researcher's stature took the basic measurements of growth variables (age, height, weight), the physical variables under investigation, and the level of skill and digital performance in the shot-put race for those with cerebral palsy