Educational Program using Educational Modules and its Impact on the Level of Skillful Performance of some Basic Skills in Swimming

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in Department of Curriculum and Teaching Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, Egypt


design an educational program using educational modules on the level of skillful performance of some basic skills in swimming sport for students of the first squad at Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University.
The researcher has used the experimental method for its relation to the nature of the research. One experimental design was used for one group in pre-measurement and post measurement.
Community and Sample of the Research
The research community is represented in the students of the first squad in the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, for the academic year (2017 - 2018). The researcher has chosen the sample in random intentional manner which is 15 students from the total research community, which is (35) students.
Statistical Description of the Research Sample:
The researcher has conducted homogeneity among the members of the research sample in the basic variables of growth rates (age, height, weight), mental abilities (IQ) and some physical abilities and skillful tests in swimming.
Table (1) shows the homogeneity between the individuals of the sample under consideration through the research variables.