Job Description of Career Paths in Sports Marketing According to Labor Market Needs

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Sports Management Department, Physical Education Faculty, Mansoura University


This research aims to design a proposal model for job description of sports marketing career paths considering labor market needs.
Research Questions:
1- What is job description of Sports Ticket Sales Manager?
2- What is job description of Sports Customers' Service Manager?
3- What is job description of Sports websites' marketing Manager?
4- What is job description of Sports Sponsorship Manager?
5- What is job description of Sports Brand Manager?
6- What is job description of Sports Events' Marketing manager?
7- What is job description of Sports Marketing Manager?
Research Methodology:
The researcher used descriptive approach (survey method).
Research community:
Research community consists of assistant professors and professors of sports management in Arab Republic of Egypt and professionals in sports marketing at sports institutions.
Research sample:
The researcher randomly selected research sample, which included (125), divided to (20) for exploratory sample and (105) for basic sample