The Effect of Using Gymnastics Games at the Level of Social Interaction, Fitness and Learn some Gymnastics Skills Children with Hearing Disabilities

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in Department of Rhythmic Exercises and Artistic Gymnastics, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Gizera, Giza,


The program aims at identifying the effect of the use of gymnastics on the level of social interaction and the level of motor fitness and learning some gymnastics skills in children with hearing disabilities.
Program Contents - :
The researcher designed the proposed games program for the hearing impaired and took care to suit the characteristics, trends and needs of the sample commensurate with their abilities, abilities and preparations. The researcher used the tools available or without them, and most of the exercises are done collectively to achieve the goal of the program and improve the level of social interaction.
The program has a direct impact on the development of physical qualities and improve the level of performance of some ground skills in gymnastics and reduces the sense of isolation and sense of unity, and took into account in the program to contain the games beloved to the souls of the research sample and lead These games to reduce the sense of loneliness and tendency to gather and be free of complexity and enter the joy and pleasure to them.