Do EMS College Students Fit Enough for The Future Occupational?

Document Type : Original Article


Exercise Physiology Department, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Correspondence should be directed to Khalid S. Aljaloud, PhD, King Saud University, Exercise Physiology Department, Riyadh 11451, P.O. Box: 2454


Emergency responders should be physically fit to perform strenuous duties perfectly and safely. The purpose of the present study was to assess student's occupational physical fitness in Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz College for Emergency Medical Services (PSAC-EMS) in line with the international physical fitness guidelines for American Council on Exercise (ACE). Seventy-three EMS students randomly selected. Mean age and BMI were (20.5+1.2) and (26.6+6.3) respectively. Participants asked to perform three suggested physical fitness for (ACE). We used tests protocol and administrations to calculate percentages for student group comparing it with the test-terminations criteria for (ACE). One sample t-test used to assess the differences between the obtained scores versus the reference scores. Results clearly showed a moderate to a strong correlation between most of the variables especially trunk flexor endurance test and trunk extensor endurance test (r =0.69, P < 0.01). In addition, there are a strong correlation between trunk lateral endurance (left side) and trunk lateral endurance (right side) tests (r =0.81, P < 0.01). In terms of ACE guidelines for EMS practitioners, results clearly showed that subjects of this study were not significant physically fit. This research concludes that students in (PSAC-EMS) need special exercise program focus primarily on the EMS responder's ability to fulfill their occupational requirements and to fulfill the mission of the (PSAC-EMS).
