impact of a program based on the Visual-Spatial Approach using enhanced reality technology on visual thinking and some basic skills in tennis

Document Type : Original Article


Research Methodology:
Experimental Method of pre-post Measurements for two groups, one experimental and the other is a control group.
research community:
Represented in the students of the third division tennis specialization at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Zagazig University for the academic year 2016/2017, consisting of (44) students.
The research sample:
Two groups, one experimental and the other is a control group, each consisting of (13) students chosen by deliberate random method.
The researcher calculated the individuals distribution moderation of the research sample where values of torsion coefficients ranged from (), between (± 3) indicating that the research sample falls under the average curve in all the variables under consideration.
The researcher also found parity between the two groups (experimental - control), to ensure the equivalence of the two groups in all the variables under consideration.
Data collection tools and means:
Skillful tests:
1- The forehand stroke accuracy test.
2. The forehand stroke force test.
3- The backhand stroke accuracy test.
4- The backhand stroke force test.
5. Serve accuracy test.
6. The power of serve performance