Building an electronic knowledge test for the handball course for the students of the Faculty of Education University of Sadat City

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University


First: Research Methodology
The researcher used the descriptive approach because of its relevance to the nature of the research.
Second: The research community
The research society included the students of the first troupe of the Faculty of Physical Education- Sadat City University and enrolled in the academic year (2017 AD- 2018) of 207 students.
Third: - Research Sample
Basic Study Sample:
The sample of the research was randomly selected from the students of the first troupe of the Faculty of Physical Education - Sadat City University. The number of female students was 150 (72.46%) and enrolled in the academic year (2017 - 2018).
2- Sample of the exploratory study:
A- Sample of preliminary exploratory research:
The sample of the first pilot study was chosen from the students of the fourth troupe (40) students with the aim of:
- Identification of the validity of the cognitive test according to the factors (ease, difficulty, discrimination).
- Calculation of scientific transactions to test cognitive achievement (honesty, persistence).
B- Sample of the second exploratory research:
The sample of the second pilot study was selected from the students of the first troupe of 40 students with the aim of:
- Recognition of the students' understanding of the test and their comprehension of the vocabulary.
- The clarity of the way to deal with the test.
Steps to build the online cognitive test "under consideration"
The researcher studied the related studies such as the study of Han Hang 2011 (17), van Van2012 study (20), the study of the 2012 Ghobishi 2012, 15 Timmers 2013 study (19), the study of Abdul Hadi Al-Jarrah 2013 (10) 2017 (11) The researcher reached the stages of design of electronic tests and table (1) illustrates these stages