Training Needs of Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Azhar University staff members in Light of 21st Century Skills

Document Type : Original Article


Asst. professor, Department of curricula and teaching methods, Faculty of physical education, Al-Azhar University


Study methodology:
The study used descriptive method as it suits study nature and objectives, using questionnaire as data collecting tool.
Study population and sample:
The study population consisted of (43) staff members at Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Azhar University, they are all staff members during study period in second term of the academic year 2017/2018 according to official statistics for staff members management in Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Azhar University .
Study sample was (25) staff members at Faculty of Physical Education , Al-Azhar University who responded by answering the questionnaire items, they represent (58.14%) of study society, the following table shows sample individuals according to study variables