The relationship between visual management and institutional excellence in the Ministry of Youth and Sports


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management and Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University

2 Lecturer at the Department of Sports Management and Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University


Research goal:
The aim of the research is to study the strategies of the visual administration and its relation to achieving institutional excellence in the Ministry of Youth and Sports through identifying:
1- What is the reality of the visual management strategies (strategy of developing the rules of work - the strategy of purification - strategy of eliminating waste) in the sports specialists in the Ministry of Youth and Sports?
2- What is the reality of institutional excellence (leadership excellence, human excellence, service excellence, knowledge excellence) among the sports specialists in the Ministry of Youth and Sports?
3- What is the relationship between the strategies of the visual administration (strategy of developing the rules of work - the strategy of purification - the strategy of eliminating waste) and institutional excellence (leadership excellence - human excellence - services excellence - knowledge excellence) among
sports specialists in the Ministry of Youth and Sports?
Research Methodology:
The two researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey and analysis method, which is the most appropriate method for the nature of this research and its variables and achieve its objectives.