The Effect of motor tempo Exercises on the Intertemporal Level of Effective Attack in the Kumité"

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer Dr. at Department of Compete and Individual Sports Training at the Faculty of Physical Education Girls Helwan University.


The aim of this study is to identify the "effect of drastic training at the intermediate time level for effective attack in the comma" Research hypotheses •There are statistically significant differences between the mean and the post measurements of the experimental research group in the level of the inter-attack time and the effectiveness of the combined offensive sentence and the effectiveness of the offensive performance in the comet in favor of the dimension measurement. •There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurement parameters of the applied research group at the time level of the attack and the effectiveness of the combined offensive sentence and the effective performance of the offensive performance in the comet in favor of the telemetry. •There are statistically significant differences between the average of the post measures in the experimental and control groups in the time level of the attack and the effectiveness of the combined offensive sentence and the effective performance of the offensive attack in the comet in 88 Assiut Journal For Sport Science Arts favor of the experimental research group < /p>